Christmas and New Year’s holidays are just around the corner. This holiday time is always filled with magic, hope and joy! This time of the year represents the perfect occasion for people to meet, date and love! Christmas and New Year can create a moment of pause from everyday life to celebrate what is truly important – family, connection and unity. But it can also be a hard time for those who have no one to celebrate with and they may feel very sad about it.  However, isn’t it a time of faith and hope and when miracles do happen?! After all, everyone has at least one friend to share bad and best moment in their life, it might be also someone online.

1. Focus on the positive

At Thanksgiving, some people have a ritual – each person at the table shares with others what they are thankful and grateful for. It’s a perfect time to reflect on meaningful things that happened or are going to happen. No matter how many challenges we’ve had this year, let’s be thankful for what we already have!

2. Cultivate acceptance

It is very easy to judge other people if they are different from us. We all have our own beliefs but if we look closer to each other, we may find a common ground. And most importantly, we can accept other people differences without any judgment.

3. Reduce alcohol

During holidays, a glass of wine or beer is a certain ritual for some people. However, one should not exaggerate. Alcohol can loosen your tongue, as a result, you might later regret of what you have said or react differently to situation which normally you might let go by. 

4. It’s all about love, not like

“Likes” are about tastes, temperament and preferences. While love is a deep feeling that brings the best of who we are. It is not always that you like everything about the people you love. You might not like the same food or TV program or react differently to the same situation. But all of it does not matter when you love someone!

Let’s all have a sweet holiday season!

And we, at Eureka team, hope that even if you are still looking for the perfect partner to be with this holiday season, we are here to help you! Think about any connection you have had this year, someone you liked with all your heart but were not able to say. Find their phone number or email. Join Eureka application together and let the miracle of love knock your door, because during holiday season everything happens when you do not expect! 
We wish you all the luck and a time full of romance!